Microsoft Word Dark Mode brings even more darkness


Microsoft is injecting a little more darkness into Word’s obscure mode, the company said in a blog over the weekend. Previously, the word processor allowed only to darken the ribbon and toolbars, while the document itself remained bright white. The update will place the document on a dark screen.

You can switch between modes using the Switch modes button on the Word ribbon and you can disable the dark screen in the options menu.

“With Dark mode, you will notice that the color of the previously white page is now dark gray / black. The colors in your document will also be changed to accommodate the new color contrast,” wrote Word program manager Ali Forelli in the post. from the blog. “In fact, reds, blues, yellows and other colors will be slightly altered to silence the overall effect of the color palette and look more visually pleasing with the new dark background.”

The update is now available for Windows beta testers, but is expected to be released more widely in the coming months.

Read More: Windows 10 dark mode is here. Call now
