Microsoft tests lifting Xbox Live Gold requirement for free games

Microsoft is currently testing a change to Xbox Live Gold that would allow players to access certain online multiplayer features – such as multiplayer games in free titles – without an active Xbox Live Gold subscription, company announced Wednesday on the Xbox Insider Twitter account.

The company originally announced plans to make this change along with a reversal of a planned Xbox Live price increase in January. The news comes two days after Microsoft confirmed a move to the Xbox Live brand, announcing plans to call it the Xbox network.

Xbox Insiders – specifically, those on the Alpha Skip Ahead and Alpha programs – are currently testing a new version of the Xbox network that removes the Gold requirement for multiplayer in free games, Looking 4 Groups and Party Chat. Microsoft said on Twitter that it is raising Gold’s paid access to Insiders as a test before launching this change to everyone.

This change would allow players to be more directly involved with games like Destiny 2 and Fifteen days, both free games that currently require players to have Xbox Live Gold to access multiplayer. This change is a recognition by Microsoft of the way games have changed over the 18 years of Xbox Live. Now, players who may not be able to pay an extra $ 60 a year can – eventually – play with their friends.

The move is something that both Sony and Nintendo started doing years ago, removing the need for a subscription to PlayStation Plus or Nintendo Switch Online, respectively, for free games like Rocket League. Microsoft’s adherence to Gold has always been a little stronger. The company required players to have Xbox Live Gold to use entertainment apps like Netflix until 2014. This move is another loosening of that control, leaving Xbox more aligned with its competitors.

The Xbox Insiders program offers new Xbox features to players before they are available to the general public. It’s like a beta test for a game, but it’s for the entire console interface and user experience.

Those restrictions have now disappeared for Xbox Insiders on March 24. It is currently unclear when Microsoft will remove paid access for all players.
