Microsoft Edge has just received a killer update that Chrome cannot match

Microsoft’s Edge browser just got a lot more attractive. After entering the preview four months ago, Microsoft will release vertical guides for all users this month.

Web browser designers have come together around the idea that tabs belong to a horizontal bar at the top, reducing the amount of space for a website to appear and increasing the need for scrolling. With ultra-wide displays becoming more and more popular, Microsoft believes there is a better way.

As shown in the animation below, the new Edge feature allows you to keep the guides in a vertical panel on the left. To avoid obscuring a website, changing the UI allows you to reduce the text to a simple logo with the click of a button.

How vertical guides in Microsoft Edge will work

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Chrome can mimic this functionality to some extent with extensions like this, but as far as we can tell, developers are not able to hide the original tabs, which means that you end up with even less space for the actual website.
