Mick Foley tests positive for COVID-19

WWE Hall of Fame Mick Foley tested positive for COVID-19.

Foley logged on to Twitter tonight and announced that he contracted the coronavirus after a recent virtual subscription. He’s been quarantined in a hotel room for 18 days.

“I tested positive for COVID after a December virtual subscription and have been isolating myself in a hotel room for the past 18 days. Continue to take this virus seriously – mask, social distance, care for each other. I wish you all a year happy and healthy new “, wrote Foley.

Foley noted in his video that he attended a virtual signing session on Saturday, December 18. He said there were two other people in the room with him, both with their masks on, but Foley took out his to help with the signing. One of the men in the room developed symptoms later that night and reported them to Foley. Foley added that he waited 5 days before taking the test and that he has been at the hotel ever since.

Foley said his symptoms of COVID-19 include body pain, loss of smell, impaired hearing and easy fatigue. He said one of the worst parts is missing holidays with his family, including Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Foley asked people to take the coronavirus very seriously. He admitted that he could have done better when it came to following the COVID-19 guidelines, especially after being so adamant about people wearing their masks.

Foley also revealed that he has drastically reduced work during the pandemic, as in the past 11 months he has only worked on 2 reality shows, 4 virtual hires, 2 personal appearances and the WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view for The Undertaker’s “Final Farewell” segment. He noted that in these 11 months he had done 12 coronavirus tests.

Foley’s positive diagnosis on COVID-19 is probably the reason why WWE did not announce it for Monday’s Night of Legends RAW edition.

This is the second time that Foley has self-quarantined since the pandemic struck. In April, we watched as Foley announced that he would send free videos to fans as a way to help spread positive energy during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. Foley then noted that he was in isolation and would not be able to reunite with his family for a few weeks due to concerns about COVID-19.

Stay tuned for Foley’s updates. You can see his full tweet with the video below:
