Michigan girl, 14, charged with murder of grandmother

A 14-year-old girl was accused of killing her grandmother in the Detroit suburb, officials said on Saturday.

The girl, who was not identified because she is a teenager, faces first and second degree murder charges, Wayne County prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

Prosecutors allege that she fatally stabbed her grandmother, Cynthia Mosby, 65, in Canton Township and fled to a Southgate motel, about 30 kilometers away, where she was found by authorities on Monday, according to the statement.

“It is alleged that she planned the crime and that on February 21, 2021 the defendant killed his grandmother by stabbing her several times with a kitchen knife,” said the office.

Mosby had custody of the teenager, prosecutors said. Her body was found Monday by her son, the girl’s father, they said. The girl was not there.

“The policemen were directed to a room in the house where they observed the lifeless body of the victim lying face down on the floor suffering from multiple stabs,” said the office.

The suspect’s lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The girl has not been charged as an adult, but will be “designated as an adult”, which allows a judge to sentence her as an adult or juvenile or at some intermediate point if she is convicted, prosecutors said.

“In this case, the 14-year-old girl is being designated as an adult because, after conviction, she gives the judge the most flexibility during the sentence to provide options for the rehabilitation of this very troubled young man,” said Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy, in the statement.

The girl’s mental health and her ability to understand the charges will be examined.

“Mrs. Mosby was a nurse who was raising her granddaughter,” said Worthy. “Our prayers go out to your son and family.”

The Associated Press contributed.
