Michael Anthony says he was never able to reconcile with Eddie Van Halen: ‘It Kind Of Bothers Me’

MICHAEL ANTHONY says he never managed to reconcile with EDDIE VAN HALEN: 'It Kind Of Bothers Me'

During an appearance in the last episode of “Talkin ‘Rock With Meltdown” podcast, old VAN HALEN bass player Michael Anthony was asked when was the last time he spoke to Eddie Van Halen before the legendary guitarist died last October. Michael replied (listen to the audio below): “Actually, we hadn’t spoken [for many years]and, unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance. And, you know, it kind of bothers me, because we had some problems that were never resolved. But, I mean, what can you do? We were on the right track [for] a meeting, which I am very sad that never happened. But, you know, life and the show go on. “

Anthony also talked about the first time he saw Eddie play live. He said: “We had just finished high school and, in the city where I lived, they were having a carnival in the countryside for school. And on weekends, some local bands played. And it was just the three guys – Eddie, [original VAN HALEN bassist] Mark Stone and Alex [Van Halen]. AND Eddie was singing too. It was the first time I saw him play. And I remember I was impressed because they played – they must have played all WHO ‘Live At Leeds’ or whatever, or any of the classics CREAM things that they touched, Eddie played the main material note by note. And at that time, when you are such a child, it is very impressive to see someone playing like that. “

Last November, Wolfgang Van Halen revealed that Eddie Van Halen had contemplated a “kitchen sink tour” that would have included Anthony, as well as vocal curves of both Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth. There was even talk of bringing back Gary Cherone, who sang with VAN HALEN on a poorly received album, 1998 “Van Halen III”.

According Wolfgang, the original plan was for him to personally contact Michael and ask him to go back to VAN HALEN. “Unfortunately, Irving to hit [Michael] before I get the chance, “he said.” The plan was for me [reach out to him]. ” Wolfgang went on to say that he also called Roth in 2007 to get you to come back VAN HALEN for a meeting tour.

VAN HALEN and Anthony had not done well for more than a decade, with Anthony not invited to join the meeting with Roth which started in 2007. The two subsequent tours and the studio album, “A different kind of truth”, Spotlight Wolfgang on the bottom.

Anthony cut the payment and ceded all its rights over the band’s name and logo to participate in VAN HALENthe 2004 tour, which featured Hagar.

Eddie died at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, California. The iconic VAN HALEN axeman passed away from complications due to cancer, his son confirmed.

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