Mexico asks rich countries not to accumulate coronavirus vaccines | Mexico

Mexico has called on the UN security council to stop countries from accumulating vaccines against Covid-19, as the poorest stay behind in the race to vaccinate their citizens.

Three-quarters of the first doses were administered to citizens in just 10 countries that account for 60% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), said Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, while in more than 100 countries no vaccine was applied at all .

“We ask countries to avoid accumulating vaccines and speed up the first stages of deliveries from Covax, to give priority to countries with less resources,” said Ebrard before the council on Wednesday, of which Mexico is currently a member.

Ebrard said that so far no vaccine has been distributed under the global Covax initiative. Pan American Health Organization officials said on Wednesday that countries can expect confirmation of their Covax vaccine shipments soon, although the first batches are expected to be small.

In all, 190 countries have joined Covax, which aims to ensure equitable access to vaccines. The scheme is jointly administered by the Gavi alliance, WHO, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and Unicef.

“It is urgent to act to reverse the injustice that is being committed, because the security of all humanity depends on it,” said Ebrard.

Mexico itself signed agreements with several international pharmaceutical companies for millions of doses for its 126 million people amid global delays and shortages of some vaccines.
