Mesa family loses father to COVID-19, despite being careful and following guidelines

MESA, AZ – Arizona is registering an all-time high in COVID-19 numbers on Thursday. The Arizona Department of Health Services has reported 9,913 new cases and an additional 297 deaths since Wednesday.

These numbers represent people and royal families in Arizona, including the Lechuga family in Mesa.

Rogelio Lechuga nicknamed “Ro” died of COVID-19 on October 26. He was 44 years old.

His wife Susan said that Rogelio was a family man. Born in Mexico, he moved here when he was young and worked hard to support his wife and three children.

“He went to school while working 80 hours a week so he could look after us,” said Susan Lechuga.

Susana and Rogelio were married at the age of 19. She said he was their light.

“Rogelio could make you laugh, and he was just my whole world, he made me who I am today,” said Susan.

Susan said the family was being careful and following COVID’s guidelines when Rogelio fell ill in late October. Susan thinks he got COVID from a co-worker. Rogelio, who had pre-existing illnesses, died a few days later.

“I would give my house, I would give my car, I would give all the money I have in the bank to have my husband back by my side. I want people to understand that COVID is real.”

On Thursday, Arizona reported a record number of hospitalizations and average 7-day cases and deaths.

“We need to be loving to each other as a country, as a state. Instead of being so selfish, just do whatever it takes to lower those numbers, ”said Susan.

Susan hopes that other families will not have to suffer like them and is determined to continue doing her part to help stop the spread.

“I could say, forget it, I did everything right, and look where it took me. But no, I still mask myself, still disinfected, still social detachment.”

Susan and her children recently moved to California to be closer to the family.

A GoFundMe page was created to raise funds for the family.
