Memory Pak: taking my first starter Pokémon to the Elite Four

Ecruteak City LandscapeGame Freak

My first Pokémon was a Chikorita named Chicky, and I loved that tiny green horse with all my heart. I came to Pokémon a little later than many of my friends and colleagues, having lost Pokémon Red and Blue by not having a Game Boy, but I spent many hours watching others roam the scary little graveyard of Lavender Town or displaying Pikachu’s smile face in Pokémon Yellow.

I knew I wanted to be a part of this craze, so when I finally got my hands on a Game Boy Color, I made a point of telling my parents to give me Pokémon Gold. My youngest brother won Pokémon Silver and we share ownership of a Link Cable. Was a Magic Time.

This is not Chicky.  This is a little smaller than Chikorita, from the anime
This is not Chicky. This is a little smaller than Chikorita, from the anime (Image: The Pokémon Company)

At that time, I didn’t know much about type advantages – and I didn’t care much either. Pokémon, for most children, is a game in which you take a pet and make it fight other people’s pets, although it is a rudimentary understanding of the basic rock-paper-scissors triangle of “The fire the grass wins, the water wins the fire, the grass wins the water “it will take you very far, it gets a little more complex when you try to invent reasoning for the Bug Type by defeating the Psychic Type, or the Fighter Type defeating the Normal Type . It is best to just ignore all of these things and make sure you have lots of moves that hit you hard.

My dear Chicky was quickly joined by a number of other Pokémon that I kept mainly because they were cute. The Togepi you won at the beginning of the game was one of my favorites, called “Eggy” because children are terrible at inventing creative names. He had Metronome, a move that took randomly from all available moves, and although Metronome is no a good tactical Pokémon move, made my battles unexpected and surprising each time.

Boy, there are MANY steps.
Boy, there are MANY steps. (Image: Game Freak)

I also had a Mareep, called – points for hitting – “Sheepy”, and a Golduck, “Ducky”, in an attempt to fill my party with a little more force. My favorite of them all was – and still is – Swinub, the kind of pork slime that, let’s face it, I probably called it “Piggy”. I was incredibly disappointed when he turned into a big, ugly Piloswine, but at least that meant that we could be a little more fierce in the battle.

The Indigo Plateau is a little anticlimactic
The Indigo Plateau is a little anticlimactic

When I arrived at the seemingly endless maze of tunnels that formed Victory Road towards the final stage of the Pokémon League, I had a 70 Meganium (Chicky) level, plus the Ho-Oh I just picked up and my brother’s Lugia I made with let him change me because I am a terrible sister. My first time facing the Elite Four – well, it probably won’t be a surprise for you to know that my team, made up of Pokémon chosen for their cuteness, didn’t get very far.

Back on Victory Road to punch some Onixes, and a few hours later – still without joy. I spent all my money on Revives and Hyper Potions, but I barely had time to use them among the elite moves of an Elite Four hit-kill. It didn’t look great for my team – we were being eliminated, over and over again, and I couldn’t help but imagine each of the Elite Four seeing this stupid kid come into his room over and over and feel a little sorry for me. But I was not going to give up. This was an era before “playing something else” was an option. This was my game, and I was going to to knock this, even if it took forever.

It’s time to get serious, then. Signage montage music.
