Meghan Markle, Prince Harry reveal that they are having a girl

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry revealed on Sunday that they are going to have a baby girl – and so they are fed up with having children.

Harry delivered the gender reveal to interviewer Oprah Winfrey – with each of them accompanying that two children were everything to them. The pair have a son, Archie, and Markle is due to be born again this summer, they said.

When Winfrey opened the exclusive TV chat with pregnant Markle, she said, “Wow! You are really going to have a baby. This is more than a bump. “

“I know,” replied Markle.

“Do you know if you’re going to have a boy or a girl?”, Oprah continued.

“This time, we’ll do it,” said Markle. “I will wait for my husband to join us, and I will share this with you.”

Later, Harry joined the conversation and announced that his son Archie would have a sister.

The CBS interview is the first of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex since the widely publicized split from British royalty.

The couple announced last month that they were expecting a second child.
