Meghan Markle accuses royal family in Oprah Winfrey interview – Deadline

CBS tonight launched a new promotion for Oprah with Meghan and Harry, his next two-hour special featuring the queen of the American talk show interviewing the British royal couple, in which Markle launches a new salvo in the duo’s ongoing war with Buckingham Palace. In the promotion, Oprah Winfrey asks Markle about the Royals’ reaction to her “telling the truth” in the interview.

“I don’t know how they could expect that after all this time we would still be silent if there was an active role that the company is playing in perpetuating falsehoods about us,” says Markle in the interview, which was filmed last month. “And if it comes with the risk of losing things, it has long since been lost.” (Watch the video above)

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The new promotion comes amid a media storm in the UK involving the old Suits star after the launch of the first two of CBS Oprah with Meghan and Harry promos on Sunday night, which sparked bombshell revelations. He follows an explosive report in The Times Of London, alleging a possible “bullying” behavior by Markle. The Sussex denounced history as a “Smear Campaign” before Oprah’s interview, while Buckingham Palace announced that it was initiating an investigation into the allegations.

Only Winfrey and Prince Harry spoke in the first two promos. “You said very shocking things here,” said Winfrey at one point. She was also seen asking the pair if they were “silent or silenced” and asking about “a breaking point”, probably in connection with their decision to leave the UK

Harry made reference to the fate of his late mother, Princess Diana.

“My biggest concern was history repeating itself,” he said. “I’m very relieved and happy to be sitting here, talking to you with my wife by my side, because I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for her to go through this process alone so many years ago. Because it’s been incredibly difficult for both of us, but at least we have each other. “

According to CBS, the interview will see Winfrey talking to Markle about everything from getting into real life, marriage, motherhood, her philanthropic work and how she is handling life under intense public pressure.

Later, the two will be accompanied by Prince Harry, as they talk about their move to the United States and their hopes and future dreams for their expanding family. The interview comes a year after the couple moved to the United States and became independent from the royal family.

Since moving to California, the duo has signed lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify. The queen recently withdrew them from royal sponsorship after a yearlong review of the so-called “Megxit” business, in which the couple wanted to get away from public life, but still serve and maintain some privileges. The reports indicate that Queen Elizabeth declared that the “half-in, half-out” approach would not be compatible with the protocols established for the monarchy.

Oprah with Meghan and Harry airs from 8 pm to 10 pm on Sunday, March 7. The special is produced by Harpo Productions. Executive producers are Terry Wood and Tara Montgomery. Brian Piotrowicz is an executive co-producer.
