Medium was launched less than a week ago and the Bloober team has already recovered the development costs •

Bloober Team recovered production costs for The Medium less than a week after its launch.

As reported on (thanks, Gamespot), the horror studio sold enough copies of the slow-burning horror to recoup all development and marketing costs, even though it is an exclusive Xbox Series X console and available “free” to subscribers Xbox Game Pass.

The horror game’s lack of combat and leaps has polarized critics and fans, but it is still the studio’s biggest and most ambitious project to date.

“Yes, Marianne’s world is a world of duality – good and evil; heaven and hell; life and death – but there is little negative to weigh in on the Bloober Team’s high ambition,” I wrote in the Eurogamer review The Medium.

“Even replacing scripted scares with a disturbing atmosphere – something I fear not all fans will be happy about – The Medium is the studio’s most affordable and successful offering, and a sign that Bloober continues to improve, mature and innovate.”

Aoife and Zoe have, uh, slightly different views of me, however …
