Medium runs at 900p on Xbox X Series and Sub-HD on S Series in dual screen mode

The first large exclusive Xbox Series X / S console, The Medium, arrives tomorrow, but how does the game compare on a technical level? The game features innovative split-screen mechanics, with players investigating two worlds at the same time, but it’s also quite traditional, with fixed camera angles and a very deliberate classic survival horror game, so it’s an interesting test case . Fortunately, Digital Foundry’s technology chiefs put the game to the test on the Xbox Series X and S. You can check out the full video below, as long as you have about 20 minutes to spare.

Analysis of the Environment (XSX) – Silence of the Damned

Medium features dynamic resolution on consoles, with a much larger range than normal, given the game’s unique dual-screen gameplay. In single-screen mode, Medium ranges from 4K to about 1440p on the Xbox X Series and between 1080p and 900p on the Xbox S Series. Unfortunately, things really take a dip when the split screen comes into play – in the X Series the resolution it can drop as low as 900p and in the S Series it drops to a 648p sub-HD.

At least the game keeps most of the 30fps constant on the Xbox Series X and S, although DF has recorded very short drops to as low as 20fps, probably due to background loading. Unfortunately, the game seems to have quite serious frame rate problems, with stuttering being a constant companion. In addition, DF confirmed the strange problem with pre-rendered scenes with their very high defined range, which many noticed in the pre-release images, present in the final game.

Need to know more? Kai Powell of Wccftech found The Medium to be a solid experience, albeit somewhat harsh in its thorough review …

The medium [tries] to invoke the divided realities of Silent Hill and trust feelings of longing and desire for something new from Team Silent. […] Marianne may be able to jump between two realities, but The Middle is caught somewhere between being a worthy successor to Silent Hill and another mediocre hide-and-seek horror game.

The Medium arrives on PC and Xbox Series X / S tomorrow (January 28). You can check the game’s PC requirements here.
