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The week

Voting to condemn Trump would cost McConnell his Senate leadership, warns the Republican Party faction

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Is genuinely undecided about how he will vote for former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, his close allies say, but a faction of Senate Republicans is warning whether he vote to condemn, the reaction will be swift and severe, reports CNN. “If he does, I don’t know if he can remain a leader,” a Republican senator told CNN, portraying this as a sentiment shared by several of his colleagues. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Said he could not support McConnell if he voted against Trump. McConnell has publicly changed against Trump since a pro-Trump crowd invaded Congress on January 6. “The crowd was fed with lies,” McConnell said Tuesday. “They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.” McConnell is part of “a small but notable faction of high-profile Republicans who are either taking a stronger stance against Trump or distancing themselves from him,” the Associated Press notes, but “Trump is expected to remain politically active, even trying to get revenge. of supporting the primary challenges against Republicans he believed to have despised him in his final days, “especially the 10 House Republicans who voted for his impeachment.” In the House, a group of Trump supporters are trying to get Liz Cheney out of office of Wyoming’s leadership for supporting impeachment, “reports CNN,” a difficult situation that some Republican senators believe could chase McConnell if he seeks to end Trump’s political career. “The logistics and timing of Trump’s impeachment trial are on the air, although several Capitol Hill sources tell Politico’s Playbook Team it could end up lasting just three days, except that Trump calls t witnesses. In the end, reports CNN, “Republicans who know McConnell well believe that he will take the temperature of the Senate Republican Party conference and ultimately make a decision based in part on the opinions of their colleagues and the mood of the country when time to cast the cast the key vote. “More stories from 7 brutally funny cartoons about Trump’s departure from the White House, antibody drug Eli Lilly ‘significantly’ reduces the risk of COVID-19 in homes of elderly people. vaccine distribution plan
