McMaster discusses an SRS agreement and asks South Carolina to get back to work

COLOMBIA, SC – Governor Henry McMaster addressed the state for the fourth time on Wednesday, citing money from the Savannah Rover Site deal and publicizing his priorities for the coming year.

The lack of handshakes, the extra space between legislators and the masks on the faces of legislators were clear signs from the start that COVID-19 was the subject in most people’s minds before the speech.

“We have suffered losses. We suffer. But we are strong. We are resilient. And we have the commitment, capacity and courage to thrive and thrive once more – like never before, ”said the governor a few minutes into his speech.

But he did not announce any new executive orders, directives or COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

In mentioning the SRS settlement funds, he said that the $ 525 million received from the federal government was reserved and should be dealt with in independent legislation. He said doing so “will ensure that residents of Aiken, Barnwell and neighboring counties are given priority in how funds are spent.”

The settlement originates from plutonium that has not been removed as promised by the United States Department of Energy from the complex that employs more than 11,000 people and spans more than 480 square kilometers in Aiken, Barnwell and Allendale counties.

There have been concerns about whether the money would remain in those counties.

McMaster took time in his speech to applaud how South Carolina is “getting back to work” and said that COVID-19’s strict policies in four major US metropolitan cities have been excessive.

“Political leaders in many states have gone too far. They broke the Constitution and trampled on personal freedoms, ”said the governor. “We never close. Our reasonable steps of limited, measured and temporary actions have allowed us to fight the virus without harming our economy, ”he added.

In education, McMaster continued to press for face-to-face learning five days a week in schools across the state.

“Working parents should not have to choose between work and their children – they should have the option of having their children in school five days a week, if they wish. That’s why they pay taxes, ”he said.

The governor also asked for $ 7 million in funds under the CARES Act to be used to expand 4K programs in South Carolina.

He also repeated his call for a $ 3,000 increase in teacher salary for all public school educators.

How do their constituents face confusion about when and how they will be able to obtain the Vaccine for covidMcMaster said he wants to see the Department of Health and Environmental Control restructured and wants the agency to no longer focus on public health and the environment under one roof.

“A stick for every project does not dominate anyone. The pandemic, in the context of our expanding economy, highlighted the agency’s need to move and act in a more agile and responsive manner, ”said McMaster.

He called the general meeting to research the best way for the agency to operate efficiently in the future.

“At a minimum, the department must report directly to the governor and the governor must report directly to the people for the agency’s performance – as a cabinet agency,” he added.

Of the governor Reply COVID-19 it was the focus of the Democrat’s refutation of his speech. Senator Mia McLeod (D-Kershaw, Richland) was blunt in her attacks on the governor’s leadership.

“Governor McMaster and his administration created unnecessary turbulence and turnover. Now, they’re playing the blame game, so it’s not surprising, ”said McLeod. “With all due respect, Governor, because you have failed to lead us, the current state of our state … is bleak.”

However, some in attendance thought that the governor hit the scores on Wednesday night.

“We’ve heard enough about fighting the pandemic, we know that’s where the money goes. We know that we will receive money from the CARES Act. We will continue to fight this pandemic. We need to stimulate the economy. We have to get our teachers back to work full time and I think that is all that is to come. So it was good to hear the governor take a positive step to try to ensure that our economy gets back on track, ”said Congressman Chris Wooten (R-Lexington).

From the WRDW / WAGT and WIS reports
