McConnell makes a failed attempt to postpone the Senate after an hour delay

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellRon Johnson causes the Senate to stop, annoying many Klain with Harris’ tie: ‘Every time she votes, we win’ How to pass legislation in the Senate without removing obstruction MORE (R-Ky.) On Friday, he made a failed attempt to suspend the Senate and prolong the debate on the Democratic coronavirus project until Saturday.

McConnell’s action came after the Senate was in limbo for nearly 12 hours on Friday, while Democrats were trying to reach a deal that could win all 50 of their seats.

“They want to start the vote that could have been taken in the light of day because of their own confusion and the challenges of getting 50 people to agree on something when they could have done it faster on a bipartisan basis,” said McConnell. “So, instead of starting voting five to 11, I propose to postpone until 10 am”

But Democrats were able to vote against the effort. In addition to controlling the majority, because Vice President Harris can break the tie, Republicans also had a short vote because of the senator. Dan SullivanDaniel Scott Sullivan Morning report from The Hill – Presented by The AIDS Institute – Pointing a finger at the Capitol riot; GOP refuses aid plan for Biden Sanders votes against USDA candidate Biden, Vilsack Senate confirms Vilsack as secretary of agriculture MORE (R-Alaska) flew home for a family emergency.

The effort to punt until Saturday comes after Democrats set a new record for the longest vote in the history of the modern Senate, when they left a Sen vote open Bernie SandersBernie SandersABC appoints new deputy political director, weekend White House correspondent Ron Johnson forces reading the 628-page Senate coronavirus relief bill on the Republican Party floor doing everything to delay the COVID-19 package MOSTminimum wage proposal from (I-Vt.) for almost 12 hours.

Democrats left the vote open while meeting in closed-door meetings to reach an unemployment payment deal that would moderate the senator. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinOvernight Defense: The Capitol Police can ask the National Guard to stay | Biden’s Pentagon Policy Nominee Faces Criticism | The aspirants of the naval navy moved to hotels. Progressives will not object to a bill on stimulus check limits. (DW.Va.) could support.

Democrats announced the deal just before 8 pm, but are still waiting for a Joint Taxation Committee punctuation.

Despite opposition from McConnell, the Senate majority leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerRon Johnson forces reading the Senate’s 628-page bill against coronavirus on the floor. (DN.Y.) is promising that the Senate will remain in power overnight Friday and probably until Saturday morning to end the nearly $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill.

“Now that this agreement has been reached, we are going to put the rest of the process in power and complete this bill,” he said. “Make no mistake: we will keep working until we finish the job”.
