Matt James explains why he’s crying in the 25th season promotional trailer

The bachelor The promotional trailer for the 25th season shows Matt James’ journey as one of the most exciting to date. In the preview, the new lead actor is seen breaking into tears with presenter Chris Harrison at his side. So why is James crying The bachelor trailer? The 29-year-old recently revealed what is happening on the scene.

Matt James gets emotional in the trailer for the 25th season of “The Bachelor”

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Inside The bachelor Season 25 trailer following the January 4 premiere, James broke the heart of the fandom when he was seen sobbing in a confessional with the producers. The teasers of the season always have a section full of exciting moments. But after a few tears from the cast, James just sat in silence as he collapsed.

Later, The bachelor promo jumped into a scene between James and Harrison. The host asked James if he was okay, even apologizing to the leader. Then James replied, “No, I’m not. I’m not sure where we’re going from here. I just need some time. “

Promotional photo for Matt James, star of the 25th season of
Star of the 25th season of ‘The Bachelor’ Matt James | Billy Kidd via Getty Images

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Meanwhile, James opened up about his past in a narration, revealing that he has a hard time sharing deeply personal information with his partner. He also hinted at how his parents’ separation impacted his view of relationships.

“One of the things that has been difficult for me and my relationships is to go deeper and share who I am and what I have been through. It opens up a place that scared me, ”said James in The bachelor trailer. “I think of my mother, I think of my brother and how a broken family and broken marriage has affected their lives. I don’t want to put anyone in this. “

He continued: “The only thing I’m sure of is that love drives you to do things that you normally wouldn’t do. I have this beautiful diamond that represents much more than you could imagine. “

Matt James reveals why he’s crying in the promotion of ‘The Bachelor’

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Speaking to Us Weekly, James talked about his emotional journey in the The bachelor Season 25.

“It is not every episode. But there were definitely moments when I was moved because it was real to me, ”he said. “It’s what I would expect from myself when you become emotionally attached to the way I did and immerse yourself in the conversations we talked about.”

James also explained why he was crying The bachelotrailer r.

“It was difficult because there are many things that I avoided in my personal life that, as you saw in the preview, brought me to tears,” he said. “There are a lot of emotional situations and life experiences that I went through and that I kind of repressed.”

He continued, “These things came to light when you were trying to get these women to know everything about you. I wanted to be vulnerable and show them that I am here and I will not contain myself ”.

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Then, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, James revealed which topics he had repressed in the past.

“There are things in my personal life that I try to avoid, which are unpleasant conversations about your family, conversations about your feelings,” said James. “Like a man, this has been a difficult thing for me. So, when you have to deal with the things that hindered you in previous relationships, that kind of emotion arises. I had to deal with it, and that kind of emotion came out. “

But whatever comes out of the conversations, it seems that James is grateful for his Bachelor experience.

“It really broke me,” said James of The bachelor. “I had many conversations, that I needed to have, that I didn’t have, and that I didn’t plan to have. But that’s where that experience took me, and I’m very lucky because I grew up as a man. “
