Matt James deletes his Instagram photos after posting a secret tweet

Matt, are you okay? Because it’s a little difficult to say, since you’ve excluded everyone. not married. Photograph. on your Instagram account. Yes, Matt James just cleaned up his entire Insta. Goodbye Bachelor Photos. Goodbye workout photos – you will be missed. I didn’t expect such a drastic change, but it’s clearly going Through the this since their highly controversial relationship and definitive separation from Rachael Kirkconnell. The ecstasy of his reality TV show lasted shortly after he found out that she attended an Old South plantation themed party in college. It’s not the best look, Rach.

Since the breakup, Matt has received hatred. That could explain the whole social ghosts thing. Or maybe he just wants a fresh start? However, it should be noted that he did not deactivate his account as Rachel Lindsay did after she started receiving hatred. He simply deleted the photos, which means he could post new photos to the app at any time.

matt james excludes instagram photos


And that brings me to the second thing about raising eyebrows that Matt did on social media recently. He posted an enigmatic AF tweet on March 19 (the same day he deleted his photos). He tweeted “3/21/21”.


That’s it.

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Ummmm. Well, March 21st is tomorrow. Other than that, I’m not sure what’s so special about it. Some fans shared their theories in their response tweets. Apparently, March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, according to the UN. It is celebrated on the day that police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people in a peaceful demonstration against apartheid’s “approval laws” in 1960.

Maybe Matt will use tomorrow to talk, or maybe it will be a memorable day for another reason. Or maybe, he’s just f * cking with us. I think we’ll see.

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