Mass effect 1 DLC hacked due to corrupted source code

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is preparing to be the definitive version of the original Mass Effect trilogy. In addition to the multiplayer mode, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will come with almost every bit of content and DLC, except for a piece of Mass Effect 1 DLC that can be permanently lost. The DLC is Pinnacle Station, an add-on for the first Mass Effect that was originally released for the Xbox 360 and included a new map and 13 combat scenarios to help players hone their skills. Unfortunately, in an interview with Game Informer Legendary Edition project director Mac Walters, he revealed that despite the developers’ best efforts, the DLC source code is corrupted beyond repair.

The problems with the Pinnacle Station source code actually go back to the time when the Mass Effect trilogy was released on PlayStation 3. As in the legendary edition, Pinnacle Station was not included in the PS3 trilogy and, at the time when developers shared it, it was due to source code corruption.That problem persists today, when Walters revealed that attempts to get the DLC into the Legendary Edition were “an emotional roller coaster[.]”

Pinnacle Station was developed by an external studio called Demiurge. BioWare contacted Demiurge to see if they could obtain the original Pinnacle Station files from this team in place of the BioWare files. And although Demiurge found the source code successfully, their source code was also corrupted.

Walters says the only way to put DLC in the legendary edition of Mass Effect is if it were completely remade from scratch, which he says is unworkable, since “it would basically take us another six full months to do this with the majority of the team that we have[.]”

“I wish we could do that. Honestly, just because it was meant to be everything the team has ever created, it has come together again, ”says Walters. “And then, leaving everything on the floor of the editing room, it was heartbreaking.”Walters is referring strictly to a player’s content. Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer mode will also not be in the Legendary Edition, which Walters told IGN that it was basically about “knowing where to draw the line”.

Walters cites challenges such as the incorporation of crossplay and bridging in the small number of players who still play the original multiplayer. And finally, Walters says the team needed to focus on creating a definitive player experience.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available for pre-order now for PS4, Xbox One and PC. It will be compatible with PS5 and Xbox Series X, although there is no dedicated version for next generation consoles and will include almost everything, even Extended Cut Ending.

Matt TM Kim is an IGN reporter. You can contact him on Twitter @lawoftd.
