Masks vs. N95 KN95 vs. KF94: What is the difference and which ones should you use?


Learn the difference between the N95, KN95 and KF94 masks. The one pictured here is a KN95.

Sarah Tew / CNET

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A year has passed and we are all wearing masks, something that most of us never imagined last February. Health experts even recommend using two masks at once now. How much more COVID-19 variants appear, wearing a high quality face mask is more important than ever.

We already know that all face masks are not the same, and there is a difference between medical grade respirators and facial tissue covers. Now, as the pandemic drags on, professional-grade masks are gaining attention again, especially as they can filter out particles better than a cloth mask. This guide compares N95 masks, KN95 masks and KF94 masks – three popular types of protective masks – to help you make a smart mask purchase and mask use decisions.

Masks N95


An N95 mask.

Getty Images

N95 masks have been popular since the early stages of the pandemic in 2020. These masks provide an extremely tight fit thanks to the elastic bands and an adjustable metal seal over the nose, which keeps the mask close to the skin.

They filter 95% of the particles as small as 0.3 microns in size. (Although the SARS-CoV-2 virus particles are about 0.1 microns in size on their own, remember that the viral particles are usually linked to something larger, such as the respiratory droplets generated during speech).

The N95s undergo rigorous inspection and certification established by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and only after being certified are they approved as medical grade masks. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association calls the N95s “the mainstay of protection against airborne pathogens”.

Unfortunately, these masks have been missing for almost a year because they are part of the personal protective equipment that healthcare professionals need when treating patients with COVID-19. As such, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that N95s be reserved only for healthcare professionals, not the general public.

KN95 Masks


A KN95 mask.

Sarah Tew / CNET

  • Percentage of filtered aerosol particles: 95% (but see below)
  • NIOSH approved: No
  • Who should use a: Anyone can use these masks in low to moderate risk environments, such as going to the supermarket or having an outdoor meeting.

KN95 masks are considered the Chinese equivalent of N95 masks. They have a tent shape that creates a small air pocket between the nose and the fabric, which makes them attractive to many people: they seem easier to breathe, less obstructive and suffocating.

However, as KN95 masks are not supervised by the US mask regulator, NIOSH, they are not considered as effective as N95 masks. KN95 manufacturers can request emergency use authorization from the FDA for use in healthcare environments. In fact, the FDA has already granted the USA several KN95 masks.

In September 2020, a report by the Emergency Care Research Institute raised concerns about fraudulent KN95 masks. According to the report, up to 70% of KN95 masks imported from China do not have the same filtering effectiveness as N95 masks. ECRI issued an alert because many hospitals were ordering these masks, which could pose risks of contamination in medical centers where patients are being treated for COVID-19.

Outside of health and high-risk environments, this is not necessarily a big deal. The general public can benefit from the use of KN95 masks. Even KN95 masks that do not meet NIOSH standards for filtration effectiveness are probably even more protective than basic surgical masks and fabric facial masks made of cotton, nylon or other non-medical fabric.

KF94 Masks

kf94 mask

A KF94 mask.

KN FLAX / Getty images

  • Percentage of filtered aerosol particles: 94%
  • NIOSH approved: No
  • Who should use a: Anyone can use these masks in low to moderate risk environments, such as going to the supermarket or having an outdoor meeting.

KF94 masks are growing in popularity. “KF” means “Korean filter” and 94 refers to the filtering efficiency of masks. According to South Korean government standards, these masks filter 94% of the particles down to 0.3 microns in size. They feature ear clips, an adjustable nose bridge and side flaps to create a perfect fit.

In a small August 2020 study (just seven people), researchers found that KF94 masks are just as effective at filtering SARS-CoV-2 as N95 masks. However, unlike KN95s that meet Chinese government certification standards, KF94 masks have not yet received US FDA for use in healthcare environments.

Still, like the KN95s, the KF94s are a major upgrade over the single-layer cotton facial cover you’re probably walking with.

Avoiding fake masks

Fraudulent face masks have become a problem at Amazon and other major online retailers. Manufacturers claim to be selling N95s, KN95s or KF94s, when in reality the masks they sell do not follow the same standards as the masks that have been inspected by the US, China or Korea governments. The CDC has an execution list of KN95s, KF94s and other protective masks not approved by NIOSH that have undergone filtration tests. The list also includes known forgeries.

It is almost impossible to detect fake masks, especially when shopping online, but you can take a few steps to ensure you are getting the best protection possible:

  • Buy from reputable retailers, such as CVS or Walgreens, that have verification processes for wholesale products.
  • Pay close attention to seller ratings and product reviews
  • Be wary of new salespeople who seem to come out of nowhere
  • Check the product list and URL to make sure the names match
  • Double mask if you are not sure of the quality of your masks

Other COVID-19 scams and scams include price increase, fake virus reports and vaccine-related scams and myths.

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The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended for medical or health advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.
