Marvel’s Spider-Man players just noticed the negative detail of you three years later

Marvel Spider-Man players in Spider man PS4 Reddit just noticed a Mister Negative detail three years after the game originally launched via PlayStation 4. Although Mister Negative is not the main villain in Marvel Spider-Man, he sometimes steals the show thanks to a fantastic performance by Stephen Oyoung. In addition, it saves a lot of time on the screen, especially in the first two thirds of the game, and many Marvel fans would agree that it is a great achievement and representation of the character that is far from a trademark Spider man villain.

At one point during the game, there is a pseudo boss fight between the player and Mister Negative that takes place in a subway. And during this fight, the Negative Lord’s reflection is not the Negative Lord, but Martin Li, the good and generous side of the character’s dual personality. Now, it’s not clear whether this is by design or a visual bug, but whatever the case, intentional or not, it’s a nice touch.

Below, you can check out a screenshot of the meeting for you, courtesy of Reddit:

(Photo: Reddit)

Of course, this may not be a new detail for all players, but it is safe to say that Spider man The PS4 Reddit page is full of some of the game’s biggest fans, and many of them had never noticed it. Again, whether intentional or a bug, it’s not 100 percent clear, but if more information is provided about that, we’ll be sure to update the story accordingly.

Marvel Spider-Man is available via PS4 and also available on PS5 via Marvel Spider-Man remastered. A sequence is under development, while a spin-off, Marvel Spider-Man: Miles Morales, released last year.

For more coverage on the game and all things PlayStation – including the latest news, rumors and leaks – click here or check out the relevant links below:

H / T, Reddit.
