Marvel gives Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel and Nova new origins in Heroes Reborn

Spider-Man, Mrs. Marvel and Nova – the founding members of the Marvel Champions team – are receiving new origin stories as part of the Marvel launch Reborn Heroes event. The event imagines what the Marvel Universe would be like without the Avengers. Without Avengers it also means without champions. Instead, Miles Morales, Kamala Khan and Sam Alexander team up to form Young Squadron, the next generation of Marvel heroes who come together to fight … Deadpool? Heroes Reborn: Young Squadron # 1 was written by Jim Zub with art by Steve Cummings and reimagines these beloved heroes as fans have never seen before.

Inside Reborn Heroes, Marvel’s legacy heroes find mentors different from those they now have, each member of America’s Supreme Squadron who stands up to fill the vacuum created by the lack of Avengers. Instead of Peter Parker taking Miles Morales under his wing as Spider-Man, Miles trains under the literal wings of the Falcon and takes on the mantle after the death of Nighthawks’ original partner. Kamala Khan does not admire Captain Marvel, but becomes the superwoman Girl Power after obtaining an artifact from Utopia, the birthplace of Power Princess. And instead of wearing his father’s Nova helmet, the cosmically gifted hero Sam Alexander follows the example of Doctor Spectrum as Kid Spectrum. Together, they are Young Squadron, trying to prove their worth as heroes, but Deadpool seeks to show them a tougher reality than they believe in.

Heroes Reborn Young Squad
(Photo: Marvel Comics)

“Jason and Ed created an incredibly fun premise in Reborn Heroes, “Says Zub.” It is a twisted mirror that reflects the characters we know and love, in contrast to the familiar and the unexpected. Taking that central idea and pulling it further to show how it affects the Champions trio of Miles, Kamala and Sam is a blast, and doing that with my Champions collaborator, Steven Cummings, makes it all the more fun. “

The Heroes Reborn: Young Squadron No. 1 one-shot hits stores in May. You can see the character designs for all three heroes and the ordering information below.

Heroes Reborn Falcon
(Photo: Marvel Comics)

Heroes Reborn Girl Power
(Photo: Marvel Comics)

Heroes Reborn Kid Spectrum
(Photo: Marvel Comics)
  • The Supreme Squadron of America took root in the hearts and minds of everyone, but none other than a trio of young champions who call themselves the Young Squad!
  • Kid Spectrum (Sam Alexander), Girl Power (Kamala Khan) and the new Falcon (Miles Morales) are here to fight for truth, justice and the American flag … or not?
  • Under the flashy facade of colorful adventure, something dark is moving and Deadpool is determined to bring it to light.
