Marvel Avengers have so many people they haven’t seen, according to Studio

The head of Crystal Dynamics says in an interview that there is still a lot of content that Marvel’s Avengers players still need to experience.

The studio behind Marvel Avengers says there is a lot of content that players still need to try. Crystal Dynamics’ video game against the renowned superhero team had a generally positive reception at launch, but the title faltered shortly after it resulted in Marvel Avengers significantly lower performance expectations.

Problems began to appear for Crystal Dynamics well before the game’s release in the form of a controversial marketing campaign. From questionable character designs to an unpopular pre-order policy, Marvel Avengers he seemed to be facing an uphill battle at first. After the game’s release, more problems arose as the games completed the main story and did not find the content of the live service attractive enough for long-term use. When the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S hit the shelves in November 2020, Marvel Avengers it had lost 96% of its player base and had yet to make a profit.

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In a recent interview with Game Informer, Crystal Dynamics studio head Scot Amos addressed the problematic launch of Marvel Avengers and what the studio learned from the experience. Amos also took the opportunity to express his pride at what the Crystal Dynamics team created and acknowledged the communication failures that resulted in players not being hooked from the start. Although Amos says the studio has disappointed the player, he is committed to Marvel Avengers going ahead because the development team knows what the game is really capable of and there is a lot of content that players still need to experience.

the marvel avengers fighting

We love what we did with this game and are desperate for everyone to see these cool things and erase anything that is blocking or obscuring all the fun parts. There are so many games that people just didn’t see or did a great job of communicating with. For our part, we are disappointed with what we do not transmit correctly to people, that we do not hook them in the beginning in the way we wanted. […] We know that we let some fans down where we want to, but what we have achieved and what I believe is in this game is because, from top to bottom, we are committed to it because we know what is here. “

Amos attributes Crystal Dynamics’ lack of communication with its players to the studio’s commitment to fixing the post-launch game as Marvel Avengers needed some significant patches after launch. With all the focus on making the base game match the studio’s vision, the studio was less confident in revealing the Marvel Avengers long-term plan for additional content. This mistake has reshaped Crystal Dynamics’ mindset according to Amos and the studio will put a renewed focus on its communication efforts going forward.

While it is refreshing to hear a studio head recognize mistakes when launching a game, it simultaneously feels like damage control in an effort to bring some players back. Marvel Avengers. Thanks to Marvel’s cinematic universe, the popularity of these comic book heroes is at its peak and that should have translated well into a successful game game. Players will have to wait and see what Crystal Dynamics has to offer before it can be determined whether the lack of communication was really the reason Marvel Avengers had an initial lackluster performance.

Next: Marvel Avengers MCU skins may still happen, confirms the developer

Source: Game Informer

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