Marjorie Taylor Greene QA not adjacent conspiracy theory comments resurface

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is preparing a new test for Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy.

Why does it matter: The freshman Republican from Georgia made a series of bizarre and bizarre comments before her passage through Congress that rivaled former Congressman Steve King’s conversation about white supremacy.

What is happening: Greene’s latest round of commentary, taken from the files on her Facebook page, shows the congresswoman promoting a bizarre and non-QA conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton cutting and dressing a child’s face.

  • This comment was reported by the progressive group Media Matters for America, which previously noted its endorsement of allegations that 9/11 was perpetrated by the American government and that the shooting at the Parkland school was staged.
  • CNN reported on Tuesday that Greene had fluctuated executing mayor Nancy Pelosi, for treason, and “liked” Facebook comments suggesting the execution of FBI agents.

What they are saying: Mark Bednar, a McCarthy spokesman, told Axios that he is aware of the comments and will discuss them with Greene.

  • “These comments are deeply disturbing and leader McCarthy plans to have a conversation with the congresswoman about them,” Bednar said in an e-mailed statement.

Between the lines: When McCarthy withdrew King, then an Iowa Republican congressman, from his committee assignments in 2019, he signaled that he was setting a limit on the public comments of his caucus members.

  • King asked himself publicly why terms like “white nationalism” and “white supremacy” suddenly “became offensive”.
  • It remains to be seen whether Greene’s comments cross the same line.

In an interview with The Dispatch last year, King predicted that McCarthy would use the threat of similar reprisals to keep Greene in line.

  • “He will hang the sin he committed against me in front of her like the sword of Damocles,” said King.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated with Bednar’s comments.
