Mario Kart’s new craze for speedrunning is called ‘Blue Yourself’ and it’s a joke


Tobias Fünke really needs to hear himself when he speaks. But he came up with a big catchphrase, so let’s just let it go.

You guessed it: the new craze for speedrunning in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (which is still a hugely successful game with over 33 million sales under its belt) is called “Blue Yourself”. It involves trying to hit yourself with a blue shell as quickly as possible, and there is fierce competition going on now in the Mario Kart community.

To accomplish this task, you will acquire impulse items, strategically retreat so that your chances of obtaining a blue shell are high, then move forward quickly and “blue” with the blue shell. There is a chance involved, but given how fast the races are, it is not maddening. The whole process takes about 40 seconds or less.

YouTuber Skilloz (below) recently broke the GsFlint world record, which was set at 39.56 seconds. Skilloz managed to escape with a good deal of extra time, scoring 37.89 seconds with Baby Peach.

I think one of the most virtuous aspects of the speedrunning community is when people create new parameters and maintain them as a group. “All Dog Treasures” runs on Breath of the Wild are the proof of that.
