Mariah Carey is now also being sued by her brother

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey
Photograph: Jon Kopaloff (Getty Images)

In early February, Mariah Carey’s older sister, Alison Carey, filed a lawsuit against the singer for inflicting “intentional emotional suffering” with her memories The meaning of Mariah Carey. In the book, Carey claims (among other things) that her sister gave her pills and tried to “puff her up and pour a cup of boiling tea over her”, and Alison Carey (who describes herself as “a penniless sister”) said in the process that the allegations made against her in the book took her back to “alcohol abuse” and resurfaced traumatizing memories about “satanic worship meetings” that she saw her mother attend.

Now, Variety is reporting what Mariah Carey’s older brother Morgan Carey filed a lawsuit on his own over allegations she makes in The meaning of Mariah Carey. In his process, he says that the memoir includes numerous passages that are false, leading him to suffer “extreme mental anguish, indignation, severe anxiety about his future and his ability to support himself and his family, damage to his reputation and earning capacity, embarrassment among your friends and associates, disturbance of your personal life and loss of enjoyment of the common pleasures of everyday life. “The statements he says are not true involve references to him being admitted as a boy, fighting with his father and, generally, being a” problematic “child. She also compares him to the Big Bad Wolf, saying that he “never felt safe” and “was never safe” because of his “unpredictable” anger.

In a potentially important detail, however, Morgan Carey also notes that any duress he suffered from the book was apparently intentional, because Mariah Carey gave an interview with Oprah Winfrey before the book came out, in which she said her brother “took the first blood “- I mean, the way he sees it, she was trying to repay. Unlike Alison Carey, who is specifically asking for $ 1.25 million in damages, the Morgan Carey lawsuit (which also names co-author Michaela Angela Davis, Macmillan Publishing Group and Andy Cohen Books as defendants) is asking for a judge to undo the damages through “judicial determination. “
