‘Mandalorian’ figure of Cara Dune by Gina Carano canceled by Hasbro

Hasbro, the toy brand behind the action figures “The Mandalorian”, reportedly canceled Gina Carano’s Cara Dune doll amid controversy over Carano’s social media posts.

ONE Twitter User posted the following screenshot on Friday at Big Bad Toy Store.

“We have been informed by Hasbro that they have canceled production of Star Wars: The Black Series 6” Cara Dune (The Mandalorian) and will not comply with our request. Unfortunately, this means that we must cancel our pre-orders for this item. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you very much for your understanding. “

Read too: Gina Carano creates film project with Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire after the resignation of ‘Mandalorian’

Hasbro says bye bye Carano pic.twitter.com/gCpg05zoJt

– KC Walsh – BLM (@TheComixKid) February 12, 2021

The Wrap contacted Hasbro for comment.

The former MMA fighter played Cara Dune in “The Mandalorian” for the first two seasons of the hit Disney + show. Research at the Hasbro store shows the current stock of Cara Dune dolls completely sold out.

Carano was criticized on Wednesday for an Instagram post in which she compared being Republican today to being Jewish during Nazi Germany. Social media reacted significantly, making the hashtag #FireGinaCarano become a trend. Carano was dismissed by Lucasfilm, and her talent agency UTA did the same shortly afterwards.

Read too: Gina Carano was dismissed by UTA after turmoil over social media posts

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbors … even by children. As the story is edited, most people today do not realize that, to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily arrest thousands of Jews, the government first caused its own neighbors to hate them simply because they were Jews. How different this is from hating someone for their political opinions, ”wrote Carano.

Another Instagram story post showed someone with multiple masks covering their entire faces with the caption “Meanwhile in California”.

At Disney’s investor call last year, the company announced a “Mandalorian” spin-off show called “Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic”, which could potentially star in Cara Dune by Carano.

Read the original story Figure of Cara Duna ‘Mandalorian’ by Gina Carano canceled by Hasbro on TheWrap
