Manchin dismisses concerns that he would have an aid package

A deal was struck on Friday, with Democrats agreeing to reduce unemployment benefits to $ 300 a week by Labor Day – as opposed to $ 400 a week through August in the version of the bill previously approved by the Chamber. And the Senate then passed the 50-49 bill on strictly party lines on Saturday, after a marathon of nightly sessions.

The saga highlighted Manchin’s influence as the main vote in the evenly divided Senate, although some members of his party were irritated by his current influence. Manchin downplayed the idea that he is exercising extraordinary authority over the fate of crucial legislation and Biden’s political nominations.

“You have to work a little harder when we have this toxic atmosphere and the divisions we have and the tribal mentality,” said Manchin on Sunday at ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” “I always want that moderate way to be able to work, and that’s where you rule. “

Manchin said that despite the absence of Republican votes for the bill, the Republican Party still influenced the design of the legislation.

“It was more than what they could have voted for and supported, but they gave their opinion, I can assure you,” he said.

The West Virginia Democrat said he remains hopeful that there will be room for bipartisan deals during Biden’s presidency.

“We received a lot of contributions from Republican friends throughout the process,” he said at ABC. “They had an enormous amount of information. They just didn’t get there in the end. “

Manchin added that Biden “encouraged them to get involved until the end”.

“He talked to them until the end.”
