Man Of Steel 2 on HBO Max reportedly dependent on Justice League success

Confused feelings were had when it was announced in late February that JJ Abrams was producing a Superman reboot for Warner Bros. Sure, a new Supes movie is exciting, but fans were upset by the implication that Henry Cavill was made as Krypton’s Last Child. Still, the next version of Zack Snyder’s Justice League has reinvigorated the Snyderverse, so DCEU lovers are waiting for the HBO Max film to lead to a Man of Steel 2.

In fact, this is supposed to be something that is in the cards. Scooper Mikey Sutton of Geekosity shared what sources tell him that WB is considering making another Superman movie with Kal-El de Cavill. There is no way that this can reach theaters, as in the case of Robert Pattinson Batman, Abrams Supes is the new number one version of the hero. If Justice League is successful, however, a Steel man sequence can end up happening as an exclusive streaming.

This is the point that Sutton emphasizes, as the only way MoS2 will get off the ground if JL proves to be as successful as the studio wants. As we all know, WB only gave the director a green light after the passionate #ReleaseTheSnyderCut social media campaign. They hope, then, that it will translate into the four-hour epic breaking the internet when it crashes in a few weeks. And if it does, then maybe we will hear more about Cavill getting ready again for another solo film.

The idea of ​​a Superman movie being made for streaming would have been unthinkable not too long ago, of course, but Warner Bros. is clearly doing what it can to mark HBO Max as an indispensable service after its innovative move to launch all of its films simultaneously in theaters and online this year. Add if a bet like Justice League it works, you can bet they’ll follow through with more.

Of course, other informants are saying it differently, with insider Daniel Richtman noting that Cavill is only getting special appearances at the moment and is not going to prepare for a Man of Steel 2. But we should have a much better idea of ​​what’s to come for the Big Blue Boy Scout once Justice League lands at the end of this month.
