Maher’s outbursts cancel the culture over the expulsion of the Teen Vogue editor: Awaken ‘brats’ control the media now

Real Time presenter Bill Maher delivered a speech against the growing “tsunami” of the cancellation culture.

“I swear to God, I don’t want to talk about the culture of cancellation and this nonsense every week, but I think people understand how this is a tsunami and how the beams change almost weekly,” Maher began the discussion on Friday. night.

“Literally, at the top of my head … I wrote three things I could think of – not just what you do now … it’s anything you’ve ever done … Not just what you say, it’s now the you hear, they can get you for it. What you ask for, who you say you like, any kind of association, if you retweet something. “

The matter later changed to the resignation of Teen Vogue’s editor in chief, Alexi McCammond, who was forced to resign before she even started work after the magazine’s staff expressed outrage over the allegedly racist and homophobic tweets she made. decade ago, when I was a 17 year old high school student.

McCammond had previously apologized for the posts.


“Can I just say one thing? People speak s — in private! We can’t stop this from legislating!” Maher exclaimed. “For God’s sake, can we have a little common sense? People talk about — about others in particular.”

“Can I just say one thing? People speak s — in private! We can’t stop this from legislating!”

– Bill Maher

One of Maher’s guests, former US Senator Heidi Heitkamp, ​​DN.D., blamed Teen Vogue for not supporting McCammond and urged corporate America to “not buy this business”.

“You’re right,” agreed Maher. “Someone has to have some b — s!”

Alexi McCammond left Teen Vogue after officials complained about posts from his teenage years.  (Getty Images)

Alexi McCammond left Teen Vogue after officials complained about posts from his teenage years. (Getty Images)

Heitkamp criticized Republicans who were trying to appropriate the culture of cancellation and pointed to his mantra “War on Christmas”, which is released every holiday season.

“Yes, they are also snowflakes,” replied Maher. “But they don’t control the media like these brats. That’s the problem. I don’t think it was the Republicans who caught Alexi. [fired]. ”

“I don’t think it was the Republicans who got Alexi [fired]. ”

– Bill Maher

The HBO star then compared the current state of the cancellation culture to the 1950s “blacklist” era, as the simple act of “informing you” could get someone banned.

“People are going to parties now and don’t want to talk. They’re like, ‘Can I talk? I don’t know your girlfriend. She may have woken up. ‘ For real. I’m not making this up, “said Maher.” This informant thing, it’s not just what you do, it’s what you don’t report. This is another way to move the beam. “


Maher then pointed to the cancellation of Mumford & Sons banjo player Winston Marshall, who apologized and announced that he was “moving away” from the band after praising journalist Andy Ngo’s book “Unmasked”, which exposes the dangers of Antifa . Maher called his apology “so Soviet”.

“’In the past few days, I have come to understand better the pain I caused for the book I endorse.’ What? Did you hit someone in the head with this? “Maher joked.” ‘I have offended not only many people I don’t know, but also those closest to me, including my bandmates.’ What a bunch of idiots they must be. ‘And for that, I’m really sorry.’ It’s so Stalinesque. You know what, how about, “I can read what I want! I’m a musician!” ”
