Maher doesn’t buy everything Meghan Markle told Oprah (video)

Like everyone else, Bill Maher has been paying attention to the continuing consequences of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview on Oprah last Sunday. And he spent a lot of time on Friday’s episode of “Real Time” talking about it, including the fact that he is skeptical about some of the things Markle said about his experience with the royal family.

Not the accusations of racism, of course, which he believed. Instead, he was referring to her claims about what she did and did not know about her now husband’s family before they met.

“Furthermore, this week, we finally had some clarity on the most pressing question of our time: did Meghan make Kate cry or did Kate make Meghan cry?” Maher said, kicking off. “Tell me now so that I know who we’re not talking to at lunch. I never understood this fixation with the royal family, but man, this week you’re talking about it. You can’t help it. “

“You can hate racism, but not love them for everything else,” said Maher of the interview itself. “You know, I mean, Meghan said that before dating Harry she never searched for him on Google and said she didn’t know much about the royal family. Yes, on the first three dates, she thought he was Ed Sheeran. “

“Come on, Meghan, you filmed your television show for years in Toronto,” continued Maher. “Every time you bought a mochaccino, you used coins with your mother-in-law’s face.”

Then he tackled one of the most disturbing accusations of racism and used it to make a joke at the expense of the royal family. “But it is clear that the big bomb – not that it is not such a big bomb – is that there is horrible, just terrible, racism in the royal family,” he said. “And I’m sure it was very painful, and the members of the royal hierarchy that she said were really asking her, you know, when she was pregnant how dark the baby’s skin would be. And the queen said – problematic – she said ‘that’s why we always discourage sex outside the family’ ”.

Later in the episode, Maher revisited the topic with his panel guests Larry Wilmore and Scott Galloway – and also shouted at TheWrap along the way.

“In January last year, just before the pandemic, we made an editorial about it because they had just announced that they were backing down. And I said, why don’t you two, just instead of just retreat, why don’t you just give up all the bulls – the lock, stock and barrel of that? What are real bulls – for starters? “Said Maher.

“People calling themselves ‘your highness’? What could be less agreed upon than that? Where are the people awake in this one? Your Highness? That’s nasty. And then, like the next day – show that headline, we have a headline here that just shows you … over there, see, ”Maher continued. At this point, we’ll pause to note that he displayed an image of the topic’s coverage by TheWrap:

Bill Maher Prince Harry Meghan Markle TheWrap


Click here to view the article in question.

Now, back to Maher:

“And then, like the next day, they did it, and I thought, oh, well, they heard me,” he added. “No. I see that they are simply angry that their family was mean to them. They don’t want to give up royalty. And they still act royally.”

“Yes, it’s interesting that it came out like that and, you know, people were saying, well, they said that about the baby, and all that about wanting to know how dark the baby is going to be? I’m like, a thousand percent, for sure, ”said Wilmore in response. “Not just someone says that – everyone was thinking about it. They are the royal family. It’s not ‘Bridgeton’, you know. The sensationalist press will cover that, not Lady Whistleddown or anyone else. “

Then Galloway joined the conversation. “Do a hundred-year-old grandparents of a white guy who traveled to hunt deer in Range Rovers have racial prejudice? Is this new? ”He joked.

“But I must say, to everyone who says, ‘There is racial prejudice in the royal family!’ There are other royal families in the world. Americans seem to be interested only in white, ”added Maher.
