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The week

Senator Kyrsten Sinema effectively vetoes the Democrats’ $ 15 minimum wage campaign

Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D), a senior senator from Arizona, voted with her caucus to advance a $ 1.9 trillion stimulus plan that can be approved with a 50-50 Senate party vote. But she will not support the addition of an increase in the federal minimum wage to the package, she told Politico, effectively ending the pressure to include a minimum wage of $ 15 in the legislation. This is one of the reasons why Sinema, Politico said in his profile on Friday, is “the most influential Democrat you’ve ever heard of”. “What is important is whether or not it is directly related to COVID’s short-term relief, and if it is not, then I am not going to support it in this legislation,” Sinema told Politico this week. “The provision of the minimum wage is not appropriate for the reconciliation process. It is not a budget item. And it should not be there.” This applies to other items on the Democratic wish list that are outside the limits of budgetary reconciliation by the Senate parliamentarian. “There is no instance where I can overturn a parliamentarian’s decision,” she said. Like Senator Joe Manchin (DW.V.), of whom you have news, Sinema will not vote to remove the obstruction. In fact, she told Politico: “I want to restore the 60-vote limit to all elements of the Senate’s work.” The frequent “breakups with her liberal colleagues are a reflection of her state, which she won by a narrow margin in 2018, and her temper”, in addition to the fact that after years in the Arizona state legislature and the United States Senate , she “literally never served the majority before – so she feels the pain of the minority”, reports Politico. Her fellow Democrats “feel that Sinema is a team player, regardless of her unique opinions”, but “she still keeps Republicans at least as close as members of her own party” and listens more than she talks, Politico reports. You can read more about “one of the most peculiar and interesting members of the boring Senate” – including his colorful wigs, purple and leopard print office decor and friendship with Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) – at the Politico. More stories from theweek.com The impeachment is not what will hurt Trump the most. Mike Pence’s ‘nuclear football’ was also apparently at risk during the siege of the Capitol. Trump impeachment lawyer dodges whether Trump lost election
