Local lawmakers who opposed the Electoral College certification denounce violence in Washington

JACKSONVILLE, Florida. – Local lawmakers who opposed the Electoral College certification process denounced the violent protesters who invaded the Capitol on Wednesday in protest against President-elect Joe Biden.

US Representative John Rutherford, a former Jacksonville sheriff, has spoken out strongly against the actions of protesters who supported President Donald Trump. He called his actions a disgrace.

“The illegality that occurs here in the capital of our country is unacceptable and anti-American,” tweeted Rutherford. “You cannot say that you defend law and order and then act that way. Pray for our law enforcement, as they protect the area and keep us safe. “

Rutherford told News4Jax that he thought Trump needed to stand up and ask the protesters to evacuate peacefully, something Trump ended up doing in a video that was later removed by Facebook and Twitter.

“I saw that video,” Rutherford later told News4Jax. “I think he could have been much more direct in his comments. Less about the election, about yourself and more about the safety of the people on our Capitol Hill. “

MORE: Trump supporters invade U.S. Capitol, lawmakers evacuated

In a tweet last week, Rutherford said that “objecting to state voters is not undemocratic; it is part of a specific verification and balancing process described in federal law and in our constitution. If leaders of the state executive branch violated their own electoral laws, this is fraudulent. Congress should not allow that. “

“This was not being done in support of the president, it was being done in support of the constitution,” said Rutherford of Wednesday’s protests.

Rutherford said he still intends to oppose specific states and that the chaos within the Capitol has not affected his intentions.

American Senator Marco Rubio of Florida also asked Trump to help restore order.

“Mr. President @realDonaldTrump law enforcement men and women are under aggression. It is crucial that you help restore order by sending resources to help the police and asking those who do so to withdraw. There is nothing patriotic about what is happening on Capitol Hill. This is the style of anti-American anarchy in the third world ”, tweeted Rubio.

United States Senator Rick Scott of Florida echoed these sentiments, as well as another local legislator.

“Violence has no place in our policy. This needs to stop now! ”US Representative Kat Cammack tweeted.

Cammack, who won Florida’s 3rd congressional district that extends from Clay and Putnam counties in 2020, was tweeting as protesters stormed Hill.

“On the floor of the Chamber, I receive reports of buildings being closed and evacuated. No matter what happens, peace must prevail. While we are fighting for our Constitutional Republic on the floor of the Chamber, I am asking everyone to remain at peace and respect the work of the Capitol police, ”she tweeted. “We are locked in the City Hall. They suspended the debate. We have just been informed that the Capitol has been violated. They are asking us to put on tear gas masks. “

Cammack later said that she and her team were safe and away from the Capitol.

“Please pray for our law enforcement and peace,” tweeted Cammack.

Cammack made it clear last week that he planned to oppose the electoral college certification process, despite the fact that the U.S. Department of Justice did not discover any evidence of widespread electoral fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

“Today is a sad day for our democracy. This is a shame and a direct result of President Trump’s inability to accept his loss, ”said US Representative Al Lawson, who represents Florida’s 5th congressional district, in part in a statement. “This mob was stirred up by the president and his four years of shameful rhetoric.”

Other leaders also offered their thoughts on violence in Washington, DC

“There is a clear difference between peaceful protests and attacks on the rule of law. No city should have to endure what we are seeing happening today. It is a flagrant attack on democracy and should not be tolerated. I am praying for our great country, ”Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry said in a statement to News4Jax.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued the following statement: “Violence or riots of any kind are unacceptable and perpetrators must face the full weight of the law. The Capitol Police does an admirable job and I thank them for their hard work. “

In Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp spoke via social media, saying:

Senator Kelly Loeffler for Georgia also released a statement condemning the protesters’ actions on Wednesday afternoon. Senator Loeffler also reversed her decision to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s certification.

Senator Loeffler was defeated in one of the Senate’s two historic runoff runs on January 5.

Also defeated was Senator David Perdue. He did not release a statement about the events on Capitol Hill.

As pro-Trump protests intensified in Washington, about 50 protesters also stormed the state capitol grounds in Tallahassee. Members of the controversial group The Proud Boys were present.

Protesters held up signs in support of President Trump and the phrase “Stop the theft”.

Lawmakers were not present at Tallahassee, but will return for their first round of committee meetings for the 2021 session next week.

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