Live updates: the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. increases by more than 61,000 in 24 hours, with 1,769 new deaths

Russia registered 9,908 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, compared to 9,794 the previous day, totaling 4,380,525, the coronavirus response center reported on Saturday.

“On the last day, 9,908 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in 85 Russian regions, including 1,279 cases (12.9 percent) without clinical symptoms,” said the center, adding that the cumulative case count has now reached 4,380,525, with a increase rate of 0.23 percent.

Moscow confirmed 1,600 new cases of coronavirus in the given period, compared with 1,610 the previous day. The Russian capital was followed by St. Petersburg with 943 new cases, compared to 957 the previous day, and the Moscow region, with 609 new cases, compared to 476 on Friday.

The response center reported 475 deaths from COVID-19, up from 486 the previous day, increasing the death toll in the country to 91,695.

Total recoveries increased by 12,868 in the given period, down from 13,496 the previous day, and reached 3,985,897.
