LIVE UPDATES: Joe Biden’s administration promises to continue fighting for Tanden

The Biden government continues to firmly support the choice of Budget Director Neera Tanden, in addition to working to raise the federal minimum wage, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Sunday.

“We remain committed to fighting with our hearts for Neera Tanden,” Psaki told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. “We believe that she is the right person – she is qualified, she has experience – to lead the budget department. She brings a unique experience as someone who has lived to benefit from several of these programs and she worked on these issues for decades in the corridor, so we will continue to fight for it. “


    • Psaki also addressed a setback in pressure from Demcrats to raise the federal minimum wage to $ 15 an hour.
    • Psaki said that President Biden supports the efforts of Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., To raise the minimum wage, but that his team has not yet analyzed Sanders’ proposal.

Psaki made similar comments during an appearance on “The View” on Thursday.

Tanden’s hopes of becoming the next head of the powerful Office of Management and Budget are in jeopardy after Senator Joe Manchin, DW. Va., A decisive vote, announced its opposition due to its caustic history on Twitter.

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