Lil Baby Grammy performance at Black Lives Matter

  • Grammy Badge

He deserves an award just for that performance.

Tonight, Lil Baby performed “The Bigger Picture” at the 63rd Grammy Awards. And my God, he just did the damn thing.

Kevin Winter / Getty Images

The presentation began with a sketch of a black man sleeping in his car. The police knocked on the door and started harassing him, despite the guy handing over his ID and raising his hands. After one of the policemen put his knee on the man, he escaped and was shot in the back.


A cop with his knee on a black man is clearly reminiscent of George Floyd’s death.

Lil Baby’s powerful music addressed the way blacks are treated in America. The scenes behind him highlighted the ways in which BIPOC people are mistreated in this country.

Buildings were set on fire, reflecting the disturbances caused by the death of George Floyd.

Francis Specker / CBS / Getty Images

The presentation featured activist Tamika Mallory, who said: “It is a state of emergency. It has been a hellish year. Hell for more than 400 years. My people, it is time to resist, it is time to demand the freedom that this land promises. “

Lil Baby ended the performance by jumping in a police car with Killer Mike and Tamika standing in front of him to support him.

Obviously, the Internet was deeply moved:

no baby, literally, has been able to translate so much raw emotion and fight for such a powerful performance that millions of people are watching from home and for those in power … he fucking did it

Twitter: @ R4PLlNES

Big ups for Lil Baby for saying what needed to be said and using his platform for good. #Black lives matter.

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