Liam Neeson would like to be on Disney + ‘Obi-Wan’ series

Somebody put Kathleen Kennedy on the horn as soon as possible.

Great things are happening in the Star Wars universe. Lucasfilm Head Kathleen Kennedy10 new confirmation Star Wars projects at Disney Investor Day 2020 opened the floodgates for this science fiction franchise; all bets are canceled and anything can happen. This is especially true for the next few Obi wan Kenobi Disney + television show, which stars Ewan McGregor and will count on the return of Star Wars alum Hayden Christensen. Like Obi-Wan show getting ready to be a big reunion of the prequel trilogy, fans can expect to see more familiar faces in one of these first new ones Star Wars Disney + shows?


Collider had the opportunity to answer this question (to some extent) when our own Steven Weintraub sat down for a video chat with Liam Neeson to discuss the star’s movie, The shooter. At the end of the interview, we went back to Neeson’s role as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in the first previous film, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. When asked if he was aware of the frequency with which fans clamor for Neeson to return as Qui-Gon, the action star replied, “I will be honest with you: I never heard that.”

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Image via Lucasfilm

Of course, we had to assure Neeson that the fans definitely wanted Qui-Gon to come back. Neeson, somewhat surprised, asked us if “Star Wars [is] starting to disappear from [the] cinema landscape “, to which we once again confirm that it is not, in fact, fading. After informing Neeson about the big plans for all new Star Wars movies and TV shows, we asked if he would like to appear in, say, a flashback in Obi wan Kenobi like Qui-Gon. At that moment, a smile spread across Neeson’s face and he replied, “Of course, I would accept that, yes.”

So now, it looks like the ball is officially in McGregor’s side. Or maybe you’re at Kennedy’s court? Anyway, we officially presented our request for Neeson to appear as Qui-Gon Jinn on Obi wan Kenobi show why it obviously needs to happen.

Neeson’s new film, The shooter, arrives on January 15th. Stay tuned for our full conversation with Neeson about his new film. We will keep you informed about Obi wan Kenobi as the project develops. In the meantime, stay on top of the latest Star Wars: The High Republic news.

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