Liam Neeson retiring from action movies again, maybe – / Film

Liam Neeson retiring from action movies

Liam Neeson had a strange career. For a long time, he was considered a serious dramatic actor – the kind of actor who starred in titles like Schindler’s List. So came Occupied, the 2008 film that inexplicably turned Neeson into an action hero. Since then Occupied, Neeson maintained his status as an action star – a move that sometimes backfires, like when the dark drama The grey it was incorrectly advertised as a film about Neeson fighting some wolves, instead of the harrowing meditation on death that it really was. Now, it looks like Neeson is ready to retire from the action movies. Then again … he said that before.

The statement about Liam Neeson’s retirement from the action films comes from an interview the actor gave to ET (via The Independent). When asked if he had finished the action roles, Neeson replied in the affirmative, although he also added that he already has a few more action films in progress. One more time That the films are over, it is ready to end. “Oh yes. I think so. I am 68 and a half years old. There are a few more that I will do this year – I hope Covid will allow us – there are some in the pipeline and so I think that will probably be it,” said Neeson.

Neeson’s latest, The shooter, arrives this month, and your next action-centric film is something called The Ice Road. He’s also playing a killer in a movie called Memory. After that? He’s done! Unless, of course, he is not. Because we’ve been here before. In 2015, Neeson was asked this same question and said he would probably make action movies for “maybe two more years”, adding: If God spares me and I’m healthy. But after that, I will stop [the action], I think. I am in a great place regarding career. [After] the success of certainly the Taken films, Hollywood seems to see me in a different light. I get some action-oriented scripts, which is great. I am not criticizing. It is very flattering. But there is a limit, of course. “

However, in 2017, Neeson stepped back, saying: “It’s not true, look at me! You are talking about the past time. I’m going to make action movies until they bury me on the floor. I am not retired. ”It is also important to note that Neeson’s career is not exactly as good now as it was before, mainly due to the racially charged comments he made during an interview about the release of his film Cold Pursuit in 2019.

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