LG’s roll-up phone is a tempting answer to Samsung’s folding

While the details are sparse, the LG Rollable is, at least visually, a tantalizing response to Samsung’s plethora of folding phones. Unlike the Galaxy Z Fold 2, which combines a tall, narrow external display with a spacious internal display, the Rollable’s unique display is the same size as a traditional smartphone display – at least, before mechanically unfolding to the size of a small tablet. From what we’ve seen, this clever design means that the Rollable’s screen won’t feature the same telltale crease found in many existing folders.

Of course, adding mechanical complexity to a device that bounces in bags and occasionally falls presents its own problems. As mentioned, LG offered little information about how the Rollable display mechanism works, but it would be right to be concerned with long-term durability. This is especially true when you consider the fact that – unlike folding – rollable phones have not yet been able to benefit from public scrutiny and external testing.

LG’s experience in building scrollable televisions, along with the device’s long and secretive gestation, probably means that the Rollable will be virtually free of twists at launch. It is important to note, however, that other companies have publicly explored similar concepts. The TCL may be the most notable – it exhibited a smartphone prototype with a sliding screen in early 2020, although it noted that such a device would not be commercially available for some time, as the rolling mechanism still needed to be improved. Given the speed with which the TCL seems to be working with smartphone concepts, it is very possible that we will end up with two rival rollables later in 2021. Needless to say, if you don’t need to buy a new phone now, it is definitely worth the wait. to see what ambitious new hardware this year has in store for us.
