LG Display announces its smallest OLED TV panel so far

LG Display has provided some details about the OLED panels that will be sent to TV manufacturers this year. The line includes a 42-inch panel, the smallest OLED the size of an LG Display TV, as well as a new 83-inch panel that is probably part of the Bravia line that Sony unveiled a few days ago.

This means that OLED TVs this year will be available in 42, 48, 55, 65, 77, 83 and 88 inch sizes. LG Display claims that it is also selling a “next generation” 77-inch panel that is said to be about 20% more efficient and therefore capable of greater brightness than before, which has been a relative disadvantage of OLED TVs yet.

LG Display is a component manufacturer and does not launch consumer products itself, so it is unclear who will actually put a 42 inch TV up for sale this year. LG Electronics’ largest company has yet to fully unveil its 2021 line of OLED TVs, but according to a Yonhap report, it will use the “OLED evo” brand for new panels in its 2021 “G1” series.

LG Display was already in the news at this year’s virtual CES, announcing a “Smart Bed” concept with a transparent OLED panel that comes out of the foot, along with a flexible 48-inch panel that can change from a flat screen TV to a game curved monitor.
