Less than 600 new COVID-19 cases reported in Utah on Monday

The death toll in the state rises to 1,668 when three more Utahns die.

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Kirsten Weber gives a Utah County resident a COVID-19 vaccine at a former Shopko store in Spanish Fork, Wednesday, January 27, 2021.

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The Utah Department of Health reported fewer than 600 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, although less than 4,000 people tested on Sunday and the positivity rate remained above 16%.

And three more Utahns died of coronavirus.

Vaccinations reported the day before / total vaccinations • 1,093 / 311,785.

People immunized with two doses • 63,711.

Cases reported the previous day • 584.

Deaths reported the day before • 3 –

The deaths reported on Monday are of a Box Elder County man between the ages of 45 and 64; a man from Salt Lake County aged 65 to 84; and a 65- to 84-year-old Utah County man.

Hospitalizations reported the previous day • 402. This is 11 below Sunday. Of those who are hospitalized, 129 are in intensive care units – two less than on Sunday.

Tests reported the day before • 3,516.

Percentage of positive tests • 16.6%. This is almost the same as the seven-day average of 16.7%.

Totals to date • 347,208 cases; 1,668 deaths; 13,515 hospitalizations; 2,028,163 tests.
