Leading political donor sentenced to 12 years in prison for illegal campaign contributions

A major political donor on Thursday was sentenced to 12 years in prison after allegedly providing illegal campaign contributions to President bidenJoe BidenFeds investigating how Cuomo is dealing with outbreaks in nursing homes Night defense: a third of the military refuse the coronavirus vaccine Biden will take executive action in response to the Solar Winds hack | US and Japan reach cost-sharing agreement On The Money: Biden faces leftist reaction on student loans | Situation of the relief measure COVID-19 | Retail sales recover MORE and Sen. Lindsay Graham (RS.C.).

Imaad Zuberi, who pleaded guilty to tax evasion charges, lobbying senior US officials while working as a foreign agent and campaign funding violations, was convicted by US District Judge Virginia Phillips and ordered to pay nearly $ 16 million in restitution, as well as a fine of almost $ 2 million, Politico said.

Zuberi was accused of arranging meetings between foreign and American politicians and also of organizing a straw donor plan.

“I am deeply sorry and, of course, I am humiliated,” Zuberi told the judge, according to Politico. “I have no excuse for what I did.”

Zuberi is due to appear in prison on May 25, the media noted.

The sentence came just days after pages of previously sealed court cases were made public, according to Politico.

Prosecutors had previously demanded that Zuberi serve at least 10 years in prison, pay a $ 10 million fine and pay nearly $ 16 million to the IRS.
