Lana Del Rey says Trump ‘doesn’t know’ that incited Capitol riots

Pop singer and songwriter Lana Del Rey is having a busy week defending herself online.

After drawing attention on Instagram earlier in the week for defending the cover of her new album and saying that she is not capable of being racist because she is “rapper boyfriends”, Del Rey is now backing down after saying that she does not believe that the President Trump intentionally incited the Capitol riot last week.

Speaking to BBC Radio 1 Monday, Del Rey (born Elizabeth Woolridge Grant) said he did not think Trump knew what he was doing when he gave his speech urging his followers to “fight much harder” to defend the “stolen” election and “Show strength” on Capitol.

Shortly after his comments, a large crowd of Trump supporters invaded the Capitol and temporarily interrupted the certification of the votes of President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College. Trump later characterized his comments before the turmoil as “entirely appropriate”.

Del Rey told the BBC that he thinks Trump should have the benefit of the doubt.

“You know, he doesn’t know he’s inciting a riot and I believe that,” said Del Rey. She added that she thinks Trump has “delusions of grandeur.”

Del Rey also said that he thought the riot “needed to happen”.

“Trump’s madness … As bad as it was, it really needed to happen,” Del Rey said in the interview. “We really needed a reflection of the biggest problem in our world, which is not climate change, but sociopathy and narcissism,” she said. “Especially in America. This will kill the world. It is not capitalism, it is narcissism. “

After fans and the media began to question whether Del Rey was secretly a Republican voter, she clapped her hands in her typical style with a series of tweets and videos posted on her Instagram with the caption “get this out of your system and GFYS”.

“Just to take a moment to say that what I was describing w the bbc is that Trump is so significantly hurt that he may not know what he was doing due to his significant lack of empathy and the broader problem is the issue of sociopathy and narcissism in America ”, Del Rey said on Twitter Tuesday night.

In the video, she added: “I really don’t like being painted as a white Republican who has always been given everything and supports the incitement of the Capitol riot. I grew up fighting, working hard, we had nothing, period. I personally do not understand. I just think that sometimes, because of my appearance, it is easy to paint this picture, but man, I worked hard to become the true singer and songwriter that I am, ”she said.

“This is my story, I’m telling it … I’m not the right person when it comes to not being inclusive or liberal,” he added. “Not that I’ve ever focused on anyone. I’ve always focused only on music, but if people want to make it political, I get discouraged, but I listen to the entire 40-minute interview. So … I don’t want to have to focus on that, but it is what it is. I would love one day to get to the point where we will only talk about music, but until that day, I want you to know my story. “
