Lana Condor’s bodily dysmorphia was a secret even for her. How it happens

Jenna Ryu



Actress Lana Condor said in an interview published on Wednesday that she only recently realized that she struggled with bodily dysmorphia. The 23-year-old studied dance in high school, which required her to constantly examine the appearance of her body. In the end, it took a toll on her mental health that she only recognized after she became famous.

“I remember the time when I felt awful. I thought it had never been bigger, it had never gotten worse. And then I see the pictures again and think, ‘My God, Lana, the way you were talking about yourself and the way you saw yourself was not the reality. ‘It really opened that up, there’s a lot you need to work on. “

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Condor’s late epiphany is not uncommon. Body dysmorphia is the colloquial term for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a mental health disorder in which you cannot stop thinking about one or more defects or flaws in your appearance – a flaw that seems minor or cannot be seen by other people. ”

And it is often difficult for people with bodily dysmorphia to recognize that they suffer from it.

Why body dysmorphia is difficult to detect:

Many people have not heard of BDD.

Scott M. Granet, a 66-year-old licensed clinical social worker at the OCD-BDD Clinic in Northern California, says that many people do not know about the diagnosis, although it affects approximately 2% of the population. Having been diagnosed himself, Granet says it took him years to discover that he was battling bodily dysmorphia.

“I started showing symptoms when I was 19, and that was even before BDD was a recognized diagnosis,” he says. “I had BDD until I was 40, because I had never heard of it before. But I was very enlightened to learn that there was a name for this thing.”

People with BDD can really believe that there is something wrong with them.

Despite the fact that the “flaws” in people struggling with bodily dysmorphia are minimal or even non-existent, they really believe there is something wrong with their appearance.

Marla W. Deibler, a licensed psychologist and executive director of the Greater Philadelphia Emotional Health Center, says that many people with BDD are convinced of their negative self-perceptions, despite feedback to the contrary.

“BDD can be difficult to recognize in itself, because the insight into the inaccuracy of a mistaken perception of your body is generally poor,” she says.

Granet adds that they often focus less on underlying psychiatric issues and more on short-term improvements to their perceived imperfections with cosmetic procedures or medical appointments.

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Criticism of appearances is normalized.

With the prevalence of online marketing for the younger generation, we are used to the idea that we can improve our appearance with expensive products and procedures, says Andrea Bonior, licensed clinical psychologist and author.

“Certainly, our culture normalizes this to some extent: making it sometimes seem like we should all be constantly criticizing our characteristics and bodies,” she says.

“We can absorb these messages so automatically that we don’t realize how insidious they are. Or, if it’s a loved one, we may not notice many external behaviors. They could be kept hidden, like spending hours in front of a mirror before going out or taking one out. selfie. “

Shame prevents them from opening up to others.

Those who recognize their health-damaging behaviors may hesitate to address these problems due to embarrassment. They may not want to draw attention to their perceived imperfections, which Deibler says may result in “efforts to hide ritualistic behaviors related to the body’s misperception”. Or they may fear sounding vain obsessed with their appearance.

However, Granet clarifies that bodily dysmorphia “has nothing to do with vanity. People just want to fit in and look normal. They don’t necessarily want to look better than anyone else.”

How to deal with body dysmorphia:

If you suspect you may be struggling with body dysmorphic disorder, Granet, Bonior and Deibler have given suggestions.

Seek treatment: Talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist about treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy to decrease obsessive thoughts and promote self-acceptance.

Set goals to decrease compulsive behaviors: At home, take steps to reduce unhealthy habits, such as spending less money on products and reducing time spent looking in the mirror.

Neutralize negativity with coping mechanisms: This includes breathing exercises, conscious meditation, testing new hobbies and cultivating a strong support system.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 1-800-931-2237, text “NEDA” to 741-741 or click to chat.
