Kyle O’Reilly sends message to Finn Balor and Addresses Tumble, next WWE NXT women’s title dispute

– WWE NXT Female champion Io Shirai was delayed last night in the New Year’s Evil special to sell last week’s attack by Mercedes Martinez. Last night’s show featured a new vignette with Martinez sending a warning to Shirai, saying that she is coming for the title. It looks like Martinez v Shirai will be the next match for the title.

Martinez accessed Twitter after the program and warned everyone else, writing: “Take a while to heal. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready. Until then, EVERYONE is on my radar … #clickclick # ROBUST and ACCESS”

You can see Martinez’s new vignette above, and below is his full tweet.

– Last night NXT The New Year Evil main event saw Finn Balor maintain NXT Title about Kyle O’Reilly. O’Reilly logged on to Twitter this afternoon and texted the champion.

“Well Finn, you did what you said you were going to do. You made me suffer and hit me. But you didn’t BREAK me. At least not how I broke you. #NXTNYE,” wrote O’Reilly.

We noticed last night how the WWE announced that Balor and O’Reilly were taken to a local hospital, since O’Reilly needed x-rays on his jaw, and Balor needed to examine his arm. O’Reilly also responded to the “breaking news” announcement this afternoon.

“BREAKING is not broken, but the Canadian man is said to be extremely angry,” he wrote.

O’Reilly also responded to a WWE tweet that showed O’Reilly fighting aggressively with Balor during last night’s fight, noting that he was giving everything he had to try to win the title. The clip showed O’Reilly falling through the ropes on the floor after giving Balor a big kick.

“A little out of context, but have you ever been so angry and kicked someone so hard that you lost your balance and just fell out of the ring? Just me then? Huh. Okay then,” he wrote.

Balor did not comment directly on the departure the night before, but posted a photo that showed the blood on his face from the cut above his eye.

“STEP RIGHT UP”, he captions the photo.

Stay tuned to learn more about Balor and O’Reilly. You can see their full tweets below:
