“KUWTK” final season, May 20, ending Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick

“I will never give up on my relationship with Kourtney. I need to be with someone I can trust with all my heart. And I trust Kourtney with my life.”

Posted on March 19, 2021, at 8:44 am ET

This is an excerpt from Kim, there are people who are watching, The new BuzzFeed News newsletter dedicated to the 20th and final season of Accompanying the Kardashians. You can sign up here.

You may have heard this Keeping up with the Kardashians is coming to an end after 14 years and 20 seasons. Last night, the season premiere aired. Here’s what unfolded …

The final season of the Biggest Reality Show of All Time ™ opens with the Kardashian content I live for, while the family gathers in their new summer rental in Malibu.


Despite the breathtaking views of the ocean cost more than most of us will earn in a decade, Kris announces that if everyone “squints”, they can imagine they are “on the French Riviera”. She then marvels at her $ 3,000 sheets before Kourtney reveals that she just went to a gas station to get air in her tires for the first time in 25 years. Reportable!

After seeing how the other half lives, we cut to Khloé and Tristan happily announcing their plans to create embryos together, despite their public humiliation for her less than two years earlier.


Khloé explains that she is going through a round of egg removal and injects herself with a large dose of hormones that make her feel “stressed and scared”.

Any fan of KUWTK it will be used to defend you from people who have never seen a second, but feel compelled to criticize ~ vacuity ~ and ~ vocal frying ~.

However, scenes like these, which show Khloé injecting herself and talking about her bloated stomach, are the perfect example of KUWTK’s value.

In 2013, KUWTK has been radical in her portrayal of women’s health, with cameras capturing everything from Kim being told she had the fertility of a 50-year-old woman to her struggle with pre-eclampsia and placenta accreta, which led to surgery and a scene where she used a catheter.


In a world where fertility issues are often hidden, the Kardashians have always manifested themselves, spread awareness and helped viewers feel less alone, which is why I will fight to the death for each of them.

Tristan serves as Khloé’s driver on the day of the rescue surgery. She thinks this is “cool” on his part, but, frankly, it’s the least he can do after ripping out his heart twice.


As she leaves with three embryos, Khloé then learns that she is at risk of “80% miscarriage” during pregnancy. Khloé’s low levels of progesterone led her to almost abort True in 2017, and while it is unclear whether it is the same problem at stake here, she is now considering a surrogate.

Then we move on to Scott and Kourtney’s ongoing saga. Although they split in 2015, they both recently toyed with the idea of ​​reuniting – especially after a Balinese healer declared them “soul mates”.

The pair may now have continued with new relationships, but given that they have been the series’ main appeal for nearly a decade, it seems appropriate that season 20 could end their decision to remain separate.

Things start with Scott revealing that his girlfriend, Sofia Richie, is feeling “neglected” that he is spending more time with his “close friend” Kourtney than he is.

Andrew Toth / Getty Images

Perhaps illustrating Sofia’s point of view, and in a scene that is anything but dysfunctional, Scott then sits down to discuss his relationship problems with Kourtney.

He tells her that he prioritizes “taking care” of her over Sofia, before asking if they will “grow old” together.


Kourtney tells Scott that he was moved by his comments and, proving that they will probably always put themselves before anyone else, goes on to say in a confessional: “I think anyone who is in a relationship with any of us will have to understand that. so close.”

Eventually, Scott confirms his separation from Sofia after she demands that he choose between her and Kourtney.

Rachel Murray / Getty Images

“I will never give up on my relationship with Kourtney,” he explains. “I need to be with someone I can trust with all my heart. And I trust Kourtney with my life.”


This statement has broken me since Kourtney indisputably has it saved Scott’s life by pressing him to seek treatment when he used drugs and alcohol to excess, and I will live in the hope that they will be reunited for all eternity.

The teaser for the following episode suggests that we will enter Kim’s divorce drama (which you may have heard about ?!) next week.


We see Kim sitting outside alone while her family expresses concern for her. Judging by Kourtney’s outfit / glamor, this scene was filmed around August, just after Kanye’s mental health crisis.

~ Kardashian Kontroversies ~


In the past 14 years, the Kardashians have dominated pop culture and built a $ 2 billion brand, but many of their biggest professional successes have resulted from scandals. Here, we take a look at how the most controversial moments in the family defined their lives and empire.

Kim, you’re doing great, dear: How Kim Kardashian got her body back

Kim Kardashian posed for the photographer, her naked body covered with pearls. From meters away, Kris Jenner captured the image on his own digital camera. “Kim,” she said, “you are doing very well, dear.”

It was KUWTK’s oldest controversy and remains one of its most cited moments. But in the midst of memes, one detail is always lost: Kim was made to pose nude for Playboy, and that led her to endure a decade of scorn.


Kim never intended to pose “totally naked”, but was convinced by Hugh Hefner, who told her that she had launched the magazine with a nude photo shoot by Marilyn Monroe. The news “comforted” Kim, who said she was much more willing to pose naked knowing that someone as “iconic” as Monroe had gone before her.

However, Hefner forgot to mention that Monroe only posed nude in exchange for money when she was a struggling actress. The images were sold to a calendar company and published without his consent a year later, when his star was rising.


Hefner saw an opportunity to expose the photos to the masses, bought all the images without asking Monroe’s permission and launched Playboy with them. Kim may have compared herself to Monroe, but in fact the only point in common was that her sexuality was used by men and used for profit without her enthusiastic consent.

For a decade, this photo shoot and its sex tape were turned into weapons to embarrass and despise Kim – his achievements forever reduced to having a ~ talent for nudity ~.

Women who express their sexuality – and especially those who achieved fame in the shameful nightmare of vagabonds of the 2000s – are only denigrated, and Kim has become the poster girl for this specific type of misogyny.

However, over time, Kim regained control. In 2014, she posed nude for a number of magazines on her own terms. Months later, she posted a nude photo on Instagram and this was followed by an entire book of selfies, many of which were pictures of nudes or lingerie.

This book of selfies was a claim to power. After repeated violations, Kim was now the only curator and editor of images of her naked body.

But the final act of control came in 2019, when Kim launched Skims – a shapewear line that takes advantage of her body obsession in a brand that celebrates the feminine form. Now it’s worth $ 1 billion.

We are a queen with power!
