Kroger and HEB announce reduced hours due to sharp drop in temperatures

Retailers looking to protect their employees from dangerous driving conditions are launching reduced hours in the coming days.

All 109 Kroger stores in greater Houston and southwest Louisiana will close at 8 pm on Sunday and open at 9 am on Monday, the supermarket chain said in a press release on Sunday.

HEB stores in the Houston area will close at 9 pm on Sunday and open at 9 am on Monday, the company said on Saturday. The stores are also scheduled to close at 7 pm on Monday; the location of the Central Market in Westheimer will follow those same hours.

HE-B’s senior support phone line will be closed on Monday, the company said. The retailer said it could also limit its curb and delivery offers.

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“The harsh climate can delay deliveries of products to our stores,” said HEB at its launch, “which can temporarily impact the supply of certain products. We are working 24 hours a day to take products to our stores and our partners continue to replenish products throughout the day. “

Both supermarket chains said they could make further adjustments and be on the lookout.

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