Kristen Bell and her husband Dax Shepard ‘needed a little therapy update’ during the COVID-19 quarantine

Kristen Bell and husband Dax Shepard have openly advocated for couples therapy, helping them navigate their marriage towards a happy and healthy relationship.

But with the added tensions of the still violent COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent 11 months of quarantine with their two young children, life has taken some dark and difficult turns, as most couples and families around the world can attest.

‘We learned everything about each other because we couldn’t get out’, confessed the Frozen star, 40, during an interview with People magazine.

‘The main thing I learned is something I learned from [Love Warrior author] Glennon Doyle, which is that we only need to grace each other in the circumstances. ‘

Opening: Kristen Bell shared about the benefits of going to couples therapy, especially during the quarantine COVID-19 pandemic months

Opening: Kristen Bell shared about the benefits of going to couples therapy, especially during the quarantine COVID-19 pandemic months

One of the positives for some people during these turbulent times, which includes social and political turmoil and division, has been the extra time they have been able to spend with close family and loved ones.

But, like so many others, Bell revealed that she and her husband have been feeling the effects of being so close to each other since the coronavirus was considered a pandemic in mid-March 2020

“Everyone’s trends are bubbling up because we are all caged together,” concluded the Michigan native based on her own experiences.

‘Dax and I, when we started this pandemic, we were at a point in our marriage where we definitely needed a little touch up on therapy.’

Honest: 'Dax and I, when we started this pandemic, we were at a point in our marriage where we definitely needed a little touch up on therapy,' the actress revealed in an interview with People

Honest: ‘Dax and I, when we started this pandemic, we were at a point in our marriage where we definitely needed a little touch up on therapy,’ the actress revealed in an interview with People

Having learned from previous relationships, Bell and Shepard thought that they would be better served by a therapist before certain problems, or marriage, went too far down the road to fall.

“Every two years, we think, ‘We’re being very antagonistic’ and we don’t want that,” Bell explained of their journey since they started dating in late 2007 and the eventual wedding in 2013.

“We went back to therapy and found out what I’m not doing best for you and what you’re not doing best for me, and how we can best meet that team goal. It has been incredibly useful. ‘

Montal Health amid COVID-19: Confessing to feeling restless during the blockade, the Bad Moms star took to Instagram on Wednesday and admitted that she has been struggling with her mental health in recent weeks

Montal Health amid COVID-19: Confessing to feeling restless during the blockade, the Bad Moms star took to Instagram on Wednesday and admitted that she has been struggling with her mental health in recent weeks

While stuck in a blockade and without her normal routine, the Bad Moms star says she sometimes feels restless. In fact, earlier on Wednesday, she admitted that she is ‘fighting for the past 2 weeks, for who-knows-why-cut-ALL-reasons.’

“In this pandemic, I have wide eyes and I like to start many projects. My knitting is on the table all the time and I’m changing my purse, although I’m not going anywhere, or I’m deciding that I need to fold my jeans again and it’s on the floor, ‘explained Bell.

‘He is [Shepard] I was very kind in the hustle and bustle around the house to console myself. Most of the kindness came from him! ”

The couple, who started dating in 2007, have been married since 2013 and have two children: son Lincoln, seven, and daughter Delta, six

The couple, who started dating in 2007, have been married since 2013 and have two children: son Lincoln, seven, and daughter Delta, six

It was at that time that they realized it was time to talk to a therapist before things got worse.

“There is such a negative connotation,” Shepard said of the therapy during a meeting with Good storage in 2015.

‘In my previous relationship, in the end, we went to couples therapy, and it was usually too late. You cannot go after nine years and start to find out what patterns you are in.

The Good Place actress agreed with her husband’s statement and explained that talking to a trained professional made it easier to communicate.

‘You do better at the gym with a coach; you can’t cook without reading a recipe. Therapy is not something to be ashamed of.

Bell and Shepard have openly advocated couples therapy, helping them navigate their marriage

Bell and Shepard have openly advocated couples therapy, helping them navigate their marriage

Despite being separated from other families and friends, among other difficulties, the couple acknowledged that they are ‘lucky’ compared to many others who are struggling economically or had a loved one who died due to complications for COVID-19.

Bell and Shepard are the proud parents of two young children: son Lincoln, seven, and daughter Delta, six.

The couple is a co-founder of Hello Bello, a line of herbal child care products that focuses on creating environmentally friendly and affordable products.
