Klete Keller surrenders to the authorities on charges of riot on Capitol Hill

On Thursday, twice Olympic gold medalist Klete Keller became federal authorities after accused by the US District Court in Denver for his involvement in the US Capitol riot on Wednesday.

The 3 charges he faces and the maximum punishments are:

During a brief court hearing yesterday, the magistrate judge Michael E. Hegarty informed Keller about the maximum penalties listed above. The judge limited the charge of “obstructing law enforcement” to a maximum prison term of 5 years and included that Keller could face fines of up to $ 250,000 for each charge.

Keller was released without bail on condition that he did not return to Washington DC before his presidential inauguration on January 21. Keller agreed to attend future hearings and to have no firearms.

According to USA Today, Magistrate Judge Hegarty ordered Keller to leave Colorado to visit his children in North Carolina, but he will have to ask permission to visit them after the scheduled trip. He also handed over his passport.

The Denver court declared that the grand jury will have the ability to add additional charges after further investigation. This was in reference to the Capitol riot cases, in which further investigation led to the defendants being charged with more than they were originally arrested.

Townhall reporter video footage Julio Rosas who showed Keller six feet tall at the Capitol Rotunda wearing his US Team jacket during the riot that led to SwimSwam first identifying you. In this footage, Keller does not appear to be violent.
