Kitaria Fables is an action Stardew RPG with cats

The year is 2026. Only two game genres remain: “Stardew Valley but gritty” and “Stardew Valley but anime”. Kitaria Fables is the last. That is Furthermore “Stardew Valley, but cats”, but look him in the eye. These are anime cats.

And also Stardew Valley, but Diablo? Stop asking questions and just watch the trailer.

What kept me from playing Stardew was his particular style of pixel art, which I hated, but I like that. Kitaria has beautiful windmills, bouncy limes and very high orchestral music. I like it when it rains and I like the townspeople, many of whom look like bears. City bears?

Combat seems to be a bigger focus of the game than the trailer suggests. Look at this GIF to get a clearer idea of ​​it:

Combat is real-time and classless, but you can customize your equipment with items and magic you have created in the city. The polar bear seen in the trailer, Sage Alby, teaches magic. I love video games.

You can also play cooperatively with someone else, either locally or via Steam Remote Play.

Do you still have an appetite for more video game cultivation? I’m not sure how many times I want to plant and water the seeds in a grid, but I’m a sucker for the folk vibes of Japanese video games by Kitaria Fables. I’ll keep an eye on it when it launches later this year via Steam.
